Wednesday, November 6, 2013

40 Guests in 4 Minutes

Why 40? Usually 1/4 to 1/3 of those you invite will be able to attend.

By inviting 40 guests, you will ensure the success of your Jamberry Party!

Sound difficult to do? Not really. Give it a try...
Can you name…

4 Relatives

4 Co-workers

4 Friends

4 People you haven’t seen in a long time

4 Contacts from kid’s school or kid’s activities

4 Spouses Co-workers or relatives

4 People who love to entertain

4 Church or social group contacts

4 Neighbors

4 Facebook friends you want to meet in person!

Other Ideas: Someone looking to earn extra $$$. Someone who likes fundraisers. Anyone getting married. Someone who just lost weight or changed their look. Gift Certificates available too!
Carry extra invitations with you; you never know who you’ll run into!

**Remember, no one is ever insulted by an invitation!** **And a PERSONAL invitation first is always best!**

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