
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pay Day for Jamberry Leaders

Bonus day is pretty exciting in the Jamberry Leadership realm!  Hundreds, Thousands, Tens of Thousands... no matter what your current paycheck, here are some important things to remember!

Always reinvest in your business.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sample Follow Up

Here's what I send to ladies that I give a sample to!  (the hows and whys are below)

Hi Becky!  It was so nice to connect with you today at (Walmart, or wherever we met ;) )
 I hope that you LOVE Jamberry and I’m here to help in any way that you need!  Here is a link to the application video that I was telling you about: the top of the page are the written instructions, but if you’re a visual (girl like me!) the video is awesome!  It’s just a few minutes long and shows you exactly what to do (and how easy it is!)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Right Left Game (and Across!)

To play this game in a party, give a gift to one of your party guests.  Tell them that as you read this story, they will pass the gift to the LEFT, RIGHT or ACROSS as you say each of those words.

Just a few years ago there were 3 sisters that liked to get their nails done! But, they had gotten tired of trying to find the RIGHT time so that nobody was LEFT out of going to the salon ACROSS town. They had to find a babysitter and the kids hated being LEFT behind! By time they finished at the salon they never had enough time or money LEFT to do much else! Which LEFT them frustrated!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

How do I close a party and redeem my hostess’s rewards??

How do I close a party and redeem my hostess’s rewards??
See Jamberry University: Workstation 101: Lesson 6

Are you POISONING your business? 11 ways you might be!

**I know it is long but read all the way through-- will change your business!!!! **  

What to say/not say about your business

Remember to NEVER, EVER ASK! Here is what you are going to do - ONLY TELL! TELL! TELL!
Let's talk about POISON words vs. PERFORMANCE words!

How to sign up for Jamberry in Australia or New Zealand

It's here!  After months of anticipation, you can finally be a Jamberry Consultant!!!

So, how do you join?

First, you need some information!

Welcome to Jamberry Australia and New Zealand!!!

I am so excited to welcome our New Zealand and Australia consultants!!! I am all set up, cross-border sponsorship form completed and paid for, and eligible to pre-enroll!

If you are not already connected with a team, the ‪#‎GLOWGirlsRock‬ team would LOVE to welcome YOU! Message me at or register at

Or, connect with one of my front line leaders!

Friday, September 11, 2015

19 Hard Things You Need To Do To Be Successful

*You have to make the call you’re afraid to make.
*You have to get up earlier than you want to get up.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Getting Started with Jamberry in Australia and New Zealand

Here is a running overview of the most important things that we've shared in The GLOW Down Under Facebook group for the Australia and New Zealand consultants who are starting their Jamberry careers soon!!!  Want to know more about becoming a Jamberry Nails consultant and GLOW Girl? 

Start out organized...
How Do You Keep It All Organized?

The following topics links are in The GLOW Down Under private Facebook group for team members!

  • Products 101 from the Jamberry University 
  • Workstartion 101 from the Jamberry University
  • Daily income producing activities
  • Facebook party training
  • Instagram party training
  • Pinterest party training
  • Hostess coaching training
  • Application tips and tricks

Trendsetters (Australia and New Zealand Consultants):

First of the Month for Jamberry Leaders: Plan of Action

Beginning of the month LEADER tasks!
Third: Plan of Action
You need some sort of outline for how you will lead your team this month.
When will you train? What meetings will you attend/hold? What deadlines do your team members need to be reminded of?

Fortunately we have a great group of leaders who are willing to share and collaborate! I used the September IGA calendar that was shared on the leaders page to create daily posts for my Facebook groups. If you are on Tiny Torch (and you should be - it's free for Jamberry consultants!!!) you can "follow" my profile and easily re-post these daily activities to your team pages!  

Home or Online script -- Would You Rather?

Shared from a Jamsister - I do not have the forms that she uses
Home or Online script -- Would You Rather? Game and order form tips--
I’m going to show you just a few of our 400 or so Jamberry items, and YOU get to choose which ones by answering the now famous question of the evening – ‘Would You Rather’. Get ready to have some laughs with random ‘Would You Rather’ questions I toss in here and there. Don’t be shy to answer – you are among friends here, so just shout out your answer. The only rule is your answer can’t be ‘I don’t know’ or ‘neither!’
To add to the fun, I’m going to throw in a prize that one of you will win tonight! To choose the prize, just answer this:
Would You Rather take $5.00 off your order OR 1/2 sheet of Jams?

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Incentive

I don't always do incentives, but when I do... They are awesome! 

I just can't help how excited that I am about this upcoming season of our Jamberry journey!! This new catalog....our new TruShine...Celebration holiday wraps....I just. can't even. Seriously.
And I feel so strongly about getting this product out there IN person, on hands, with YOU and your customers...all of it...the wraps..the gel...the Nourish...the EVERYTHING...that I'm going to do a TruShine giveaway!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

First of the Month for Jamberry Leaders: Goals

Beginning of the month tasks...

Second: STOP what you are doing! Don't do one more thing until you set your own personal goals for the month. I want to see them, I want to help you! If you are new to goal setting - here are some tips:
They need to be SMART:

First of the Month for Jamberry Leaders: Recognition

Hello leaders! Beginning of the month tasks!!!

First: RECOGNITION! It is completely FREE to do shout outs! Recognize your team members, at all levels that you are TM for...

Sunday, August 30, 2015

GLOW Girls Facebook organizational stucture

The GLOW Girls Team is comprised of many groups of diverse people!  In our entire team, we have 13,000 women and men, nearly 300 leaders and over 40 executives and above.
Here is how I manage my Facebook groups for team members. Each person does things differently, and I'd LOVE to hear your input as well!

When I add a new team member, I put them in my secret "Team GLOW Girls" group. This is a group JUST for those that I am Team Manager for. This is where I post:

Friday, August 28, 2015

Best practices for an online Opportunity Event

This is a joint event - so NO posting your personal links, and absolutely NO POACHING will be tolerated (not that any of you would do that, I've just gotta say it!!!)

1. Make a list of the people that are already interested - or people that you would want on your "Dream Team".  It is IMPORTANT that you have a list - don't rely on your memory!
(More about your Dream Team here:
If they are your Dream Team - you need to know WHY. Are they bubbly, fun, have lots of friends, beautiful, a people person, a saavy business woman, a stay at home mom, a Nail Art Studio Master... WHY do you think they would be an awesome Jamberry lady?
2. WARM them up - comment on a picture they post. Send them an article that would be interesting to them. Ask them about that family member that was in the hospital - you know... BE A FRIEND!

3.  PERSONALLY invite guests. Do NOT invite anyone without talking to them first! 
  • If they have already expressed interest, you can say:
"Hi Suzy - I know it's been a (month, a while, whatever) since we talked... but I was wondering IF YOU ARE STILL OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY of earning extra money with Jamberry? (don't shout at them in all caps - that's to emphasize the importance of that verbiage!!!)
  • If they have NOT YET expressed interest: 
    • First step is acknowledge. Tell them why they would be great at this, and why you are inviting them. 
    • Second step is to share emotion. Your excitement and experience this what will connect with them
    • Third ask an open ended question that cannot be answered with a yes or no. For example how does that sound, or similar.  
EXAMPLE: "Hi Jan! I've been thinking about you a lot lately. My Jamberry manager encouraged us to write a list of who would be on our Jamberry Dream Team. Of course, your name is on my list! You are ___________, and _______________, and _____________ (you can never complement or recognize someone too much as long as it's genuine!) I've found my time with Jamberry so far to be _________ and _________, So I was wondering if you would be OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY of the Jamberry opportunity? We are having a no obligation Facebook event, and your opinion is so valuable to me - I'd love for you to give me your feedback!  How does that sound?"
  • THEN send him the link, actually invite them to the event. Not before!
  • CONSIDER offering them a thank-you gift for spending 5 minutes on the phone with you after the event.  This could be a Starbucks gift card or a half-sheet of wraps - keep it simple (You'll be giving away a lot of these, right? ;) )
    • When they agree, invite them to attend the opportunity event on FB. Tell them you will call to get their opinion afterwards, that there is no obligation (and if you want to, you can offer them a thank you gift for giving you their feedback!) This means you need their phone number... Get it :)
    • If they say no - say "That's OK - I'm here to help you when the time is right, would you mind if I check in with you every now and then, especially when we have any specials pertaining to the kit?" If they say Sure! Awesome! That'd be great! - They are a warm "plus" lead :) (WRITE IT DOWN on your list!) If the say That'd be fine, OK or similar, they are a warm lead for you.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Australia and New Zealand Prospects Webinar Opportunity 8/28/15

We hope you'll join us for this week's Jamberry webinar. During it, you'll hear from our Director of Training and Development, Holly Ennis, and learn about our Consultant Training resources. You'll also hear from our Creative Director, Christina Stark, where she will discuss branding and walk you through the catalog!

The webinar will be on Friday, 28 August 2015 at 10:00 a.m. AEST/12:00 p.m. NZST. You can register for the webinar HERE.

Also, if you missed the last webinar we held on 14 August 2015, you can find it HERE. Listen to it to hear from our President, Jared Richards, who will discuss Jamberry's Compensation Plan. You'll also hear from our Director of Products, Dave Blackwell, who will talk about our amazing products, as well as explain wrap application.

Thank you,

Jamberry is coming to Australia and New Zealand on October 1, 2015.  There are some US and Canadian consultants who are eligible to pre-enroll team members on September 15, 2015.  Many of our team members are qualified to pre-enroll!

build a business in australia new zealand with jamberry direct sales glow girls noel giger

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to answer: "I can't afford to join Jamberry"

Have someone who wants to join but they say they can't afford it?
They only have to "float" that money for a few days!!! The website is LIVE as soon as they sign up! They can prep their launch party and sign up that morning, enter the orders and get paid back on FRIDAY.
Seriously... Where there is a will, there is a way!!!

They obviously need some JAMBERRY in their life!  Let's get on a 3-way Strong Start call and make a PLAN!  Once we've made that plan, THEN they buy their kit strategically timed to limit the time the money is out of their bank account.  

Here is a sample timeline:

Friday, August 21, 2015

Let's get organized before the busy fall season hits!

 "A powerful method for reprogramming your subconscious mind with the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of highly productive people is for you to 'act as if' you were already the efficient, effective person that you desire to be." - Brian Tracy

Let's get organized before the busy fall season hits!

Do you walk into your office area and shudder?
Do you feel overwhelmed before you even get started?
Do you waste time looking for a handout, phone number or guest order?

Clutter = Overwhelm = Stress

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What is Jamberry known for?

Jamberry is all about helping people discover and express their own personal style  and the best way to do that is with our fabulous, one of a kind wraps! As you may already know, we started as a wrap company and although we’ve expanded our product line, wraps are still our signature product. In this email we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about Jamberry nail wraps and guide you through the application and removal process.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Cell Phone games for Jamberry parties

  1. Tell your guests to take out their phones, give them your number, then first one who texts you a selfie and their name gets a prize. Then say "well now you have my number and can reach me anytime!"  Ask them to save you as "Jamberry Lady" (and pose for a NAILFIE - they might not remember your name, but they will remember Jamberry!) Plus you have all the texts from them so you can follow up.

Fast Start Program for Australia and New Zealand

Australian Fast Start achievers can earn $345 in gift cards, to be used at any time on Jamberry products.
Australia Fast Start achievers can earn $345 in gift cards, to be used at any time on Jamberry products.
New Zealand Fast Start achievers can earn $345 in gift cards, to be used at any time on Jamberry products.

Jamberry Australia and New Zealand Expansion

Jamberry is coming to Australia and New Zealand on October 1, 2015.  There are some US & Canadian consultants who are eligible to pre-enroll team members on September 15, 2015.  Many of our team members are qualified to pre-enroll!

build a business in australia new zealand with jamberry direct sales glow girls noel giger

Sunday, August 9, 2015

What to say when it's been too long...

There was a great discussion in the Jamberry Leaders' group about what to say (by text, email or B message) to customers that you've waited entirely too long to follow up with.

We've all done it, gotten busy, forgotten, failed to make it a priority, procrastinated or just didn't know how important it was.

Now that we know better, it's time to do better!  Here are some great ideas:

Saturday, August 8, 2015

4 Questions To Ask When Creating Your Opportunity Commercial

 “Capture the heart, you captured the person.” ~Vince Lombardi
When it comes to sponsoring, I’m passionate about — passion (namely, finding yours). I wonder how many of you can honestly say that sharing your direct sales opportunity at home parties is your favorite thing to do. If you’re like most people with whom I work, probably not many of you. What if I could teach you a way to make this your favorite part, not only of your home parties, but of your direct sales business as well?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Heading to Your National Company Conference This Summer?

Heading to Your National Company Conference This Summer?

Today & tomorrow I’m speaking at the Usborne Books & More national conference. Chances are good you’re either traveling soon or making plans to attend your own company conference. I love being a part of national conferences as a speaker and it’s your best chance to get great education while connecting with others from your company. What I can promise you is this – you’ll come away with your head swimming with fun memories, stories, and enough new ideas to overwhelm even the most organized among you.

Here’s a simple, brilliant idea for organizing the information you’ll get during conference. You’ll colored index cards (a different color for each day of your conference). Here’s how it works.

  • For each day of your conference, pick one color card (pink for Thursday, blue for Friday, green for Saturday, etc.)
  • Make 2 cards for each day with the following titles: “Wow, Do It Now!” and “Love It! Do It Later!”
  • Bring both cards with you to every training each day. When you hear an idea you like that you want to implement, ask yourself if it’s an idea you’ll take action on right away (like within 5 days of arriving back home after conference), or something that will require a little more preparation and planning.
  • If it’s an immediate action item, write it on your “Wow, Do It Now!” card
  • If it’s a deferred action item, write it on your “Love It! Do It Later!” card
Now, at the end of your conference, you’ve got color coordinated cards from each day of your conference with your best ideas front and center so you can make a plan and take action.

If you’re a leader, I encourage you to make cards for all of your team members who are attending conference with you, tell them how to use them, and then at the end of each day, come together and go over your cards together, learning from each other and adding others ideas to your cards as they come up.

Grab your complimentary copy of my “Book Yourself Solid In The Next 30 Days” roadmap. It’s yours for free when you subscribe to my mailing list. Already a member of the list? My system won’t add you twice, so go ahead and grab the roadmap anyhow. Click here to grab your roadmap now!

You may, as long as you do not alter it and include the following information (with active links as appropriate):
Julie Anne Jones is direct sales corporate consultant, coach, and trainer, and the CEO of Julie Anne Jones, Inc. She is known for her authentic and easy-to-use scripting and specializes in specific language and tools for success in direct sales. To learn more about Julie Anne and her products and services, and to read her weekly blog posts, visit her at

Monday, June 22, 2015

Jamberry Nails Compensation Plan: 06 - Premier Consultant

This career title is eligible to receive the following benefits and bonuses with no additional requirements:
  1. Personal Sales Commissions (30% on every item)
  2. Personal Sales Bonus (see chart)

Jamberry Nails Compensation Plan: 05 - Senior Lead Consultant

This career title is eligible to receive the following benefits and bonuses with no additional requirements:
  1. Personal Sales Commissions (30% on every item)
  2. Personal Sales Bonus (see chart)

Jamberry Nails Compensation Plan: 04 - Lead Consultant

This career title is eligible to receive the following benefits and bonuses with no additional requirements:
  1. Personal Sales Commissions (30% on every item)
  2. Personal Sales Bonus (see chart)

What is TRV?

TRV stands for Team Retail Volume.

Team Retail Volume is the total PRV  from the consultant and the consultant's entire team down to the next Team Manager.

If you have any questions, please contact your sponsor and/or upline Team Manager!

For more information, please see the Compensation Plan Training Guide or the Compensation Plan training videos under Resources and Training / Training in your Jamberry Professional Consultant Workstation.

Jamberry Nails Compensation Plan: 03 - Senior Consultant

This career title is eligible to receive the following benefits and bonuses with no additional requirements:
  1. Personal Sales Commissions (30% on every item)
  2. Personal Sales Bonus (see chart)

Jamberry Nails Compensation Plan: 02 - Advanced Consultant

This career title is eligible to receive the following benefits and bonuses with no additional requirements:
  1. Personal Sales Commissions (30% on every item)
  2. Personal Sales Bonus (see chart)

What is an "Active Leg"?


  • Have 200 PRV (or more) for the month
  • A consultant you have personally sponsored and everybody under them, infinitely deep
Active Leg
  • A Leg with one or more active Consultants anywhere in the leg.

Jamberry Nails Compensation Plan: 01 - Consultant

Each new Jamberry Nails Consultant starts at 01 - Consultant.  

This career title is eligible to receive the following benefits and bonuses with no additional requirements:
  1. Personal Sales Commissions (30% on every item)
  2. Personal Sales Bonus (see chart)

What is CV?

CV stands for Commissionable Volume.  Each item in the Jamberry Nails catalog has  a retail price and an assigned value. The PRV is based on the US retail price.  The Commissionable Volume (CV) is based on a percentage of the PRV.  For most products this is 65%

Having a set PRV/CV allows the company to expand into any area and set the price in the local currency, without adjusting the compensation plan.

ProductCV %
Nail Wraps65%
Nail Lacquer65%
Indulgence Hand Care & Products60%
Gift Cards55%
NAS Wraps65%
Mini Heater65%
Application Kit65%
Beauty Boost65%
Nail Care65%

A current list of the Commissionable Volume for each Jamberry Nails product can be found in your workstation.

All downline commissions are paid on CV.  If you have any questions, please contact your sponsor and/or upline Team Manager!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Amazing Party ideas for JUNE

  • Patriotic for 4th of July!!
  • Teacher's appreciation parties
  • foot pedi while fancy free

Friday, May 8, 2015

7 Secrets That Will Ensure Your Hostesses Take Your Business Seriously!

7 Secrets That Will Ensure Your Hostesses Take Your Business Seriously! 

Sometimes our customers just don't take our business seriously. Have you ever picked up the phone to find it's a hostess calling to cancel her show that night, and thought to yourself, "Doesn't she realize this is how I earn my income? I won't be able to replace her party at this point!"

Friday, April 17, 2015

100 Ways To Get Bookings

100 Ways To Get Bookings

1. Send a catalog to a co-worker who has moved.
2. Send a catalog to other reps that you know or exchange shows.
3. Post a catalog in the teacher’s lounge at your child’s school.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Building your own personal Dream Team in Direct Sales

(Please note, the following information is still relevant and important, however the post refers to the original version of the Jamberry University, not the current version!)

Dream Team.  If you're old enough, this conjures up images of basketball and the Olympics.

If you're too young for that... then you can do even better on this exercise!

The first step to creating your Dream Team is having a vision for success.  If you are a Jamberry consultant (congratulations on being awesome!) do Jamberry University.  All. Of. It.

Seriously - this is the best training around!  And I'm not just saying that because I'm in the videos... LOL  You'll find me most in:

Recruiting is Easy with Jamberry Nails!

This was recorded in August 2014, so the incentive mentioned is now over.

Start at 1:20 for the Recruiting Tips :)

Facebook Event mentioned:

Jamberry University Lesson 10: Developing and Building Your Team

  1. When I first completed this lesson, I made a screenshot of the personal development areas, then used the "draw" feature on my computer to circle the areas that I felt needed improvement.  This allowed me to have this picture at my fingertips and determine if the "latest greatest training webinar" or "100 odd tricks you need to know now" were really something I needed to spend my time, energy and money on. 
  2. I'm sharing my screenshot and action plans below.

  3. List the first skill you selected.
    Outline your plan for improving that skill in your life.
    List the mentor who can help you develop that skill.Time Management