
Friday, August 28, 2015

Best practices for an online Opportunity Event

This is a joint event - so NO posting your personal links, and absolutely NO POACHING will be tolerated (not that any of you would do that, I've just gotta say it!!!)

1. Make a list of the people that are already interested - or people that you would want on your "Dream Team".  It is IMPORTANT that you have a list - don't rely on your memory!
(More about your Dream Team here:
If they are your Dream Team - you need to know WHY. Are they bubbly, fun, have lots of friends, beautiful, a people person, a saavy business woman, a stay at home mom, a Nail Art Studio Master... WHY do you think they would be an awesome Jamberry lady?
2. WARM them up - comment on a picture they post. Send them an article that would be interesting to them. Ask them about that family member that was in the hospital - you know... BE A FRIEND!

3.  PERSONALLY invite guests. Do NOT invite anyone without talking to them first! 
  • If they have already expressed interest, you can say:
"Hi Suzy - I know it's been a (month, a while, whatever) since we talked... but I was wondering IF YOU ARE STILL OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY of earning extra money with Jamberry? (don't shout at them in all caps - that's to emphasize the importance of that verbiage!!!)
  • If they have NOT YET expressed interest: 
    • First step is acknowledge. Tell them why they would be great at this, and why you are inviting them. 
    • Second step is to share emotion. Your excitement and experience this what will connect with them
    • Third ask an open ended question that cannot be answered with a yes or no. For example how does that sound, or similar.  
EXAMPLE: "Hi Jan! I've been thinking about you a lot lately. My Jamberry manager encouraged us to write a list of who would be on our Jamberry Dream Team. Of course, your name is on my list! You are ___________, and _______________, and _____________ (you can never complement or recognize someone too much as long as it's genuine!) I've found my time with Jamberry so far to be _________ and _________, So I was wondering if you would be OPEN TO THE POSSIBILITY of the Jamberry opportunity? We are having a no obligation Facebook event, and your opinion is so valuable to me - I'd love for you to give me your feedback!  How does that sound?"
  • THEN send him the link, actually invite them to the event. Not before!
  • CONSIDER offering them a thank-you gift for spending 5 minutes on the phone with you after the event.  This could be a Starbucks gift card or a half-sheet of wraps - keep it simple (You'll be giving away a lot of these, right? ;) )
    • When they agree, invite them to attend the opportunity event on FB. Tell them you will call to get their opinion afterwards, that there is no obligation (and if you want to, you can offer them a thank you gift for giving you their feedback!) This means you need their phone number... Get it :)
    • If they say no - say "That's OK - I'm here to help you when the time is right, would you mind if I check in with you every now and then, especially when we have any specials pertaining to the kit?" If they say Sure! Awesome! That'd be great! - They are a warm "plus" lead :) (WRITE IT DOWN on your list!) If the say That'd be fine, OK or similar, they are a warm lead for you.

4. ASK for referrals
  • Post in your VIP group:
I wanted to make sure to share this with you lovely ladies! I would be honored if you would consider sharing with any friends who may have noticed your nails or are looking for financial opportunities!

I'll send you a free half-sheet or half-off any item for each person that you refer who attends, and a free sheet of your choice for each person who decides to join!
  • Make sure you find out WHY they are referring their friend.  You need a connection point for when you talk to them.  Example: "Hi Mary - I'm reaching out to you today at the suggestion of our mutual friend Tammy.  She told me that you are a ton of fun and so fashionable, and that you might be open to the possibility of earning extra income with my company!"
  • Follow the steps above for personally inviting :)
5. PLAN to attend WITH THEM! Just like an in-person event, you would arrive early, greet them enthusiastically, sit with them, answer their questions.  Be prepared to WELCOME your guest and share a COMPLEMENT about WHY they would make a great Jamberry consultant!
Be thinking of what YOU can contribute in one of the following areas:
• About the Company and Products
Earnings opportunity
• About the Compensation (#BecauseOfJamberry)
1. Finances
2. Flexibility
3. Friendships
4. Recognition
5. Personal Growth & Self Esteem
• Training – Jam U – Get your PHD in Jamberry!
• Ground Floor
• Is Jamberry the right fit for you?
6. FOLLOW UP with them after the event.  CALL THEM ON THE PHONE Ask them: 
"What did you think of our Take a Look?"
"Are there any questions that weren't answered?"
"Are you ready to get started?"
If they have questions or objections that you can't answer, get on the phone with your LEADER!

Jamberry University Lesson 5.7  Follow Up and Closing

Most people need multiple contacts before they purchase new products or embrace a business opportunity. In direct selling, the fortune is in the follow up. So follow up religiously with every potential lead you get. Unless you get an outright “No,” tell people you will get back to them in two or three days, and then follow up when you say you will. If you don’t, people feel you don’t care about them or don’t feel they are right for the Jamberry products or opportunity. Even if you get a “No,” it may just mean no for right now. Put that person on your list to follow up with in a few months.


  1. Great business opportunity presented on your site.
    Keep up.
    This could help a lot of people find a good business,
    For more MLM tips visit Network Marketing Tips For Success

  2. Great business opportunity presented on your site.
    Keep up.
    This could help a lot of people find a good business,
    For more MLM tips visit Network Marketing Tips For Success

  3. There's an amazing new opportunity that is growing in popularity online.

    Large companies are paying average people for giving their opinions!

    You can earn up to $75 per survey!

    And it is open to anybody in the world!
