
Sunday, August 30, 2015

GLOW Girls Facebook organizational stucture

The GLOW Girls Team is comprised of many groups of diverse people!  In our entire team, we have 13,000 women and men, nearly 300 leaders and over 40 executives and above.
Here is how I manage my Facebook groups for team members. Each person does things differently, and I'd LOVE to hear your input as well!

When I add a new team member, I put them in my secret "Team GLOW Girls" group. This is a group JUST for those that I am Team Manager for. This is where I post:

  • welcomes
  • fast start training
  • recognition
  • team incentives
  • team trainings
  • reminders of HO training
  • & replays of team trainings

I do not immediately add them to the larger GLOW Girls - the Jamberry Nails team under the leadership of Noel Giger group. They can get everything they need in the "nursery" group. They are free to join this group at any time, I recommend it after they have completed fast start and have decided to remain a professional consultant.
Once a consultant has promoted to Senior Lead Consultant or higher, they graduate into GLOWing Leaders
Here I post:
  • new leader welcomes
  • reminders of HO leader training
  • replays of team trainings
  • brainstorming / workload share for opportunity events
Focus Groups:
From time to time it is important to have a group with a specific focus.  I currently have:
  • A secret group for Australia / New Zealand pre-launch training (secret to prevent poaching or confusion - a person can only be added once the desire to join and build a team has been established)
  • A Bootcamp group for those that I am personally TM for, that want to quickly build their business.  This group is limited to 20 people per session.

Benefits to leaders:
How does this benefit me? I am able to easily manage my time and efforts in the most productive places: new consultants and leaders. It is impossible to help everyone. As your organization grows, you will face the dilemma of trying to be everything to everyone - it's not feasible! Perhaps your team is 15 right now... you CAN know everyone, help everyone... what happens when that number is 50? or 500? or 5,000?

So, how does this help YOU? You may always use anything I post. You can always re-post training replays, pictures, ideas, blog posts... anything that I post! GLOWing Leaders is a place to LEARN TO LEAD and to share the rewards and challenges of leadership. You can add your SLC+ to this group too! You have access to a wide variety of successful leaders and you have access to my personal calendar.

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