
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

September Incentive

I don't always do incentives, but when I do... They are awesome! 

I just can't help how excited that I am about this upcoming season of our Jamberry journey!! This new catalog....our new TruShine...Celebration holiday wraps....I just. can't even. Seriously.
And I feel so strongly about getting this product out there IN person, on hands, with YOU and your customers...all of it...the wraps..the gel...the Nourish...the EVERYTHING...that I'm going to do a TruShine giveaway!!

HERE's how you get your entries!
  • Book and hold your OWN in-home party.  This is the "qualifying entry" - if you don't do this one, you aren't able to win!  (so DO IT!)

    • (OR at a friend/family member's home FOR YOU..YOUR guests..and they can of course add to it if they'd like) 
    • launch party...
    • re-launch party....
    • introduce our new catalog party....
    • TruShine party....
    • themed party...
    • anything you would like! Just have a party that YOU are the hostess for! IN-HOME, IN-PERSON, For Real, eyeball to eyeball! LOL

There will be additional points for the amount sold, parties booked, new team members from the party itself, etc. I will also give points for in-home parties booked and held by another person...but the parties YOU arrange and hold will be weighted more heavily. The reason is - YOU are in control of that guest list..of how it is planned...of everything about it. This means that if nobody is invited, you are the only person to be held accountable for that. YOU play an even larger part in the success of this event!

Get everything prepared...get that date on your calendar....get the ***PERSONAL*** invites sent out....get your theme planned and organized. Once you have your date set, post it here and let me know!! 

  • Here are some ways to earn extra entries! 
    • Get 1 entry for each square you complete! 
    • Get 5 entries for each tic-tac-toe (8 possible, so 40 entries available!) 
    • PLUS get an extra 10 entries for BLACK OUT

Are you Eligible to WIN?

Check your workstation at the beginning of the month!  If your upline Team Manager is Noel Giger - then you are eligible to win!  All team members of newly promoted September Team Managers will also be eligible to win!

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