
Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to answer: "I can't afford to join Jamberry"

Have someone who wants to join but they say they can't afford it?
They only have to "float" that money for a few days!!! The website is LIVE as soon as they sign up! They can prep their launch party and sign up that morning, enter the orders and get paid back on FRIDAY.
Seriously... Where there is a will, there is a way!!!

They obviously need some JAMBERRY in their life!  Let's get on a 3-way Strong Start call and make a PLAN!  Once we've made that plan, THEN they buy their kit strategically timed to limit the time the money is out of their bank account.  

Here is a sample timeline:

September 1-3: 
  • New Consultant (NC) wants to join but can't afford the kit.  Their next paycheck is September 15th.
  • Strong Start call with sponsor (S) and Team Manager (TM) to make that PLAN!  (6 parties in first 30 days, launch party should be September 15 or 16 to coincide with payday, remaining parties should be September 25 or later to allow for kit to arrive)
  • NC/S/TM make guest list for launch party 
  • NC invites guests for launch party
  • TM or S sends a 6 host packets for NC's launch party +5 first parties.
    • Consider sending a full or half sheet so NC can have a full JAMicure!
    • If NC is local, S / TM will attend the launch party and use their supplies.
    • If NC is not local, the host packet should include enough supplies for 20 people to do samples.  Consider sending an application kit and heater as well.
September 4-8:
  • NC coach hosts for first 5 parties
    • Guest lists, invitations
  • Host packet from S/TM arrives
    • NC Apply JAMicure
    • NC begin collecting pre-orders from the catalog.  GOAL is $300 - that's 2 items per day between now and the party
    • NC delivers host packets for first 5 parties
September 9-14:
  • NC Continue to collect pre-orders
  • NC follow up on invitations, collect RSVPs, encourage guests to bring 2 friends
  • S/TM coaching NC
  • Share excitement on social media
September 14:
  • Reminder calls, texts, emails and messages to guests.
September 15: 
  • Order Kit
  • Have live launch party. S/TM should attend
  • Enter orders (at least $450 means kit is paid for, all other is profit!)
  • Enter host rewards orders
September 16-18:
  • Start online launch party
  • Mail thank you notes to live party guests
  • Call guests to thank them for coming / thank them for their orders
  • Jamberry University lessons 6&7
September 19:
  • Continue online launch party
  • Commissions paid on first party - kit is paid off in less than 4 days!!!
  • NC should attend S/TM parties to observe
  • make labels for catalogs and brochures
  • order business cards
September 21-24:
  • Hold online parties
  • Kit and 1st party order should have arrived
  • label materials
  • make 12 host packets
  • package guest orders
  • deliver guest orders
September 25:
  • NC holds first party.  S should attend to assist

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