
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fundraisers with Jamberry Nails

updated 9/30/17

How does it work? 
Jamberry will donate 10% of QV to the organization. The check must be made to an organization, not an individual.  The donation is made INSTEAD OF host rewards.  

On the party tab in your workstation, open a new party, then mark it as a fundraiser. Enter the organization's information, exactly as the check should be addressed and mailed. Orders can be online or collected in person. When the fundraiser party is closed, Jamberry will cut a check and mail it directly to the organization.  They send out checks once a week on Friday for the fundraisers that closed in the previous week.

Here is what I do to help increase sales:

Jamberry will donate 10% of QV to the organization. 

In addition, If the total sales are over $250, I will donate 10%
$400, I will donate 15%
$600, I will donate 20%
$800, I will donate 25%
$1000 I will donate my entire 30% commission

So the organization will receive anywhere from $1.50 per set of wraps to $6.00 (US figures)

Here's what you can do to increase bookings:

  1. Offer to donate a fixed amount per party booked. (like $15)
  2. Offer to donate a percentage of sales from parties booked. (20%)
In either case, be clear that the donation will occur AFTER the party is held.  You don't want to make the donation first and then have people cancel!

Use fundraisers to build you customer base:
Whatever you do - get the customer's contact information!  This is critical to building continued relationships, ensuring proper application and removal, and securing future business.

Use fundraisers to build your community "goodwill" and for marketing:
Consider doing a photo op with a "big check" to present the total donation amount to the organization.  This can be done in their offices or at their next event.  Use the photos to congratulate the community on their support of the organization.  Make sure that you use any appropriate hashtags and tag their social media accounts too.


Here's the video that I made for fundraiser organizers.  I recommend that you make your own!


Do I have to charge tax on fundraiser orders?

  • you do have to charge tax (since the people are using them, not the organization)
Is my portion of the donation a tax deduction?
  • Yes, it is a tax deduction, as long as they are a 503c charitable organization 
Why would you want to donate your whole commission?
  • I use the percentage of my commission as a way to increase sales. If they sell over $1000 in a calendar month, then you are going to a 5% commission bonus &; $50 in marketing supply credit. Keep that in mind when setting up fundraisers You want to close them out before the end of the month!
How do I set it up?
  • In your workstation, click on Parties, then the Fundraiser tab. Create a new fundraiser like you would a party. You can also set up a Facebook event, so people across the country can order from the website, attend on Facebook, etc. 
What do I do when it's over?
  • Once the fundraiser is over - Jamberry will mail a check to them. If you wish to make an additional donation from your commissions, you do that separately.
Is there any other way to do a fundraiser?
  • Yes, you could place all orders under a party, claim the hostess rewards for yourself and make the donation directly. (I recommend stating up front that you make your donations on the 2nd Friday following the close of the fundraiser, or 10th of the following month, so that you can get your commission check back first!)
Can I do a fundraiser the same way in Canada?
  • yes, fundraisers work the same way in Canada


  1. How long can you leave a fundraiser open and how long do you recommend? TIA

    1. Hi Magen - I recommend no more than 3 weeks, for two reasons. First, any longer than that and you risk losing the enthusiasm and participate of your fundraisers. Secondly, as most fundraisers collect the orders and then place them together, those who ordered right away would have to wait a month for their products! Alternately, you could enter each order as it gets to $150 (to take advantage of the free shipping)

  2. How do you pay out your additional donation? Do you just write a personal check after you are paid?

    1. Yes, I pray the organization directly on the 10th of the following mine

    2. What are the tax ramifications of offering our commission?

  3. This confused me for a bit, but then I realized, we don't get $50 product credit, we get $50 merchandise credit, when we sell over $1000. :)

    1. Thank you for pointing that out - I'll change it to Marketing credit!

  4. Hello I am new to Jamberry! I have a couple of questions:

    If you do the Jamberry 10% way, do you still get your 30% commission?

    How long does it take for Jamberry to cut a check?

    Also, with both parties and fundraisers do all people have to wait until the party is over for the items to ship??

  5. Hello I am new to Jamberry! I have a couple of questions:

    If you do the Jamberry 10% way, do you still get your 30% commission?

    How long does it take for Jamberry to cut a check?

    Also, with both parties and fundraisers do all people have to wait until the party is over for the items to ship??

  6. Hi Noel!

    I have the same questions as above poster The Running Extravaganza.

    In addition, how would fundraising work if I wanted to also make an NAS wrap? Also, do we get commission on NAS?

  7. Yes I ran a fundraiser Jamberry closed it on the 26th of March do I still need to contact them or will they automatically mail out the Donation check to the Charity organization since they closed it out please let me know what I need to do so the organization receives their donations
