
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Are you an Opportunist or are you Purpose Driven?

by Kristina Tucker and Noel Giger

Want to GLOW your business in 2018?  Take an inventory of your actions and determine areas that you want to change!

Purpose Driven
Does not set aside time for their business
Intentional in time planning and usage
Goes with the flow in conversations
Intentional in conversations, actively listening for problems and ready to present solutions
Tries something occasionally, and gives up easily
Works with a specific goal in mind and doesn’t quit until all attempts to achieve have been made.
Blames the company or upline for problems
Problem solves independently
Is complacent
Is creative
Waits to be told what they should do
Self-educates and is always learning
Does not see their business as integrated with their life, but as a separate entity
Applies everyday situations to business decisions/goals
Is critical of themselves and others
Has positive self-speak
Dreams about success
Sets SMART Goals and plans to achieve those goals
Dwells on past failures or present problems
Looks ahead
Does not consider their own actions and how they led to failures
Reviews the past to determine steps to fix the future
Sees an empty calendar and complains that no one wants to book a party
Sees empty calendars and dedicates time to filling it
Wants immediate gratification
Sees the value in consistency
Doesn’t occur to them to upsell during a sale
Upsells naturally as part of the sales process
Waits for someone to give them a script
Creates scripts based on research and personal experience, and shares with others
Waits for someone to tell them to book parties
Actively considers each person they meet as a potential host or referrer
Hopes someone will reach out to them for a party
Consistently seeks out fresh cold market contacts
Only talks about the opportunity when asked first
Plants team building seeds in many conversations, groups and parties
Waits for home office to offer specials to advertise
Creates their own incentives and marketing plans
Waits for someone to complement their nails
Actively complements others to strike up conversations
Hopes for sales parties and recruits
Has a plan in place to fill their booking and team building pipelines
Checks for orders when you get a payment email

Checks workstation daily to monitor home office communications and customer/team activities

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