
Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Turkey Trot for Jamberry

Imagine having 10, 15 or even 25 parties going on all at one time.. Now imagine that each one of those reached $300 in sales.  How much PRV would you generate in November?  No need to do the math, that would be 7,500 in PRV!  But wait - you would get your 30% commission PLUS a 10% sales bonus.  That's $3,000 in commission!  And let's not forget trip points for Punta Cana!!!

How is this possible?  Well, read on!

You need to do Turkey Trots!  What is that?  I'm glad you asked ;)

Each participant takes a Turkey Trot bag/envelope to their family's Thanksgiving celebration.  When everyone starts looking at the ads to plan their Black Friday shopping, she shares the catalog and samples... Instant catalog party!

Start RIGHT NOW telling people that you are doing Turkey Trots (or you can come up with another clever name if you like ;) ) Share on your VIP group, in social media, in thank you notes to customers, a sign at vendor events, a sticker on your order forms, send an invitation to all former hosts,add tagline on the bottom of your email, wear a button, print a T-shirt, a change in your voice mail message... you get the idea!

PREPARE your TT host packets.
  • They should include at least one catalog, some samples and a copy of the Turkey Trot rules, explanation or goal sheet.  
  • Print out the bundles flyer or other collections that might be of interest.  
  • Consider including a little Thank you gift!  When you embody the brand value Be A Blessing people notice how it makes them feel :)  
  • Think about the fact that people are sharing the catalog without you there... consider adding notes or stickers to draw attention to things that you would point out in person.  This also makes it seem more personal!
  1. Keep your TT host packets with you alllllll theeeeee timeeeee.... You never know when  you'll meet someone that would be interested!  Make sure you have PLENTY on hand at parties and events too!   How many do you want to have?  Make that many plus 10-15 extra!
  2. Register the TT host as a party in the workstation - make sure you have all their contact info!
  3. Send a reminder post card to arrive the week of Thanksgiving
  4. Post reminders in your VIP group and/or social media
Here are some ideas for your "Turkey Trot Rules", from our friends at The Booster!

No waiting in lines, no having to get up early to take advantage of a sale because you’ll be offering incentives, discounts, and rewards too!

Here are some suggestions for your rules and rewards: (You can of course adjust the Qualifying Party to be whatever YOUR company requires Then set additional rewards based on what YOU want to do in the FREE WORD document you can download. These are just some suggestions.)

  • A- All “Turkey Trot” hostesses with a “Qualified” party receive a TICKET to be entered in a drawing for $25 (or whatever you choose) in Free Products. A qualified party is one with at least 3 orders besides your own and total sales of $150 or more.
  • B- Hostesses that turn in a “guest list” will receive a TICKET for each 10 names. The guest list must include names, address, phone and email if available. (The “Turkey Trot” guest list is included in the FREE PDF .)
  • C- Each customer will receive a ticket for every $10 of their order for a chance to win a $50 gift card.
  • D- Each customer who places an order over $50 will receive a 5% discount on their order in addition to their tickets.
  • E- Once the party total is over $150 in orders besides her own- she will receive 10% off her personal order that is NOT part of her regular hostess rewards.
  • F- When party totals are over $300 the hostess may choose ONE half price item. Over $600 receive TWO half price items. Over $1000 = THREE half price items. (Or whatever you can offer with your company- you may want to have the half-price items based on a dollar amount.)
  • G- Hostesses will receive a ___________ as a Thank You gift when she turns in her qualified party.
  • H- All these gifts or discounts are in ADDITION to the regular hostess gifts you qualify for depending on the amount of your party (or however you plan to do it depending on what your company offers).
  • I- Hostesses will receive ________ for each party booked from the “Turkey Trot” (either regular party or book party will qualify. Gifts will be rewarded at the time the party’s are held and closed.) (These can be your normal hostess reward for booking a party)
  • J- Hostesses may come to my home to “Check Out” some items to take as samples for their “Turkey Trot” on a first come first serve basis. The quicker you book, the more there is to choose from. The check out day will be ________. All checked out items must be returned by ______ or you will be charged for them.

And finally, here is a link to our Turkey Trot dropbox folder with ideas, trainings and resources!

Edited to add my flyer!  I decided to go with "Turkey and Jamberry Sauce" instead of a Turkey Trot

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