
Friday, June 24, 2016

How to Use Questions to Create Social Media Content for Your Business

How to Use Questions to Create Social Media Content for Your Business

Answer Questions on Social Media
One of the most common struggles that businesses have when it comes to social media marketing is coming up with content to post. If you are encouraged to post at least once a day, how do you do that in the most effective and engaging way that will compel responses as well as serve the needs of your community?

Every business owner receives questions from customers, prospects, clients and networking connections. Why not use those questions as prompts for your social media, video, or blog post ideas?
The next time someone asks you a question about your product, your service, about how to do something within your expertise, or anything related to your topic, save that question and begin to build a bank of topic ideas that are customized to you, your topic, and what YOUR audience needs to know.
When you are looking for ideas of what to post to Facebook, YouTube or your blog, pull from that bank of questions, and answer them! Your target market will tell you what they need when you listen. Often you will get the same question over and over. Answering will surely achieve both engagement and a sense that you are a valuable resource to be relied upon.
Answering questions is great for SEO as well. Chances are, there are 100s or 1000s more people out there who were wondering the same thing, and when you address the question on your blog, Facebook Page or YouTube channel, your post will win big in the search engines!
Any time I get a question on my Facebook Page wall, or via private message, or by email or phone, I either create a post addressing it, or I queue it up for later posting. Often I am already creating the content for the post when I give the person my answer anyway–why not repurpose that?
This is an easy way to come up with new content. Pay attention to the questions being asked. When you run out of questions, ask a question asking for questions!
People love to receive free advice from a reliable source in social media. As a matter of fact, this post was written in response to someone asking me how to come up with what to post on Facebook. Now you know, too!
See the original article at:

How to Use Questions to Create Social Media Content for Your Business:

'via Blog this'

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