
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Car Kits

Car Kits

Another direct sales tip, I suggest you create information packets about your opportunity and products for your car. These car kits are convenient ways to make sure that you are always prepared for any situation. Using cellophane bags, prepare a simple packet with information on your stay at home mom businesses containing the following:
  • A catalog or flier
  • Your business card
  • A small sample, or coupon for a sample
  • Information about your product or opportunity
  • Store at least a half dozen of these in your car, in a tote bag, at all times. This way, when you are out and about and meet someone who shows interest in your company, you have a packet on hand to give them immediately.

    They know that you are serious about your business, and are prepared. They can count on you. They will do business with you.

    More Tips:

    Planting Seeds

    When you are running a party, whether it's in home or online, it's important to make sure that you are PLANTING SEEDS for bookings and recruiting!  You want to offer as many different options and ideas as you possibly can, and as nonchalantly as possible.

    In online parties, the very best place to use these seeds is in the comments!  This makes them more conversational, and less "pushy" :)

    Here are some examples of BOOKING seeds you can plant throughout your demonstration:

    Monday, March 23, 2015

    Jamberry Nails Facebook Party Script

    OK, I confess, this is more of an outline than a script!  

    I've taken the combined in home party script and shown how you can ensure that you are covering the same elements in your Facebook parties, whether they are live parties, or extended over a longer period of time.  I've used 7 days - although there are many ladies who have shorter or longer versions of their Facebook parties.

    Jamberry Nails Home Party Script

    This is covered in 2 trainings.  As you can see in the diagram below, each training covers the same information, just in a little bit of a different order.  The Jamberry University lesson 7 is the latest, so I've used that as the basis for the combined script.

    If you only have time to look at one training, go to JamU!  I have only mentioned my ADDITIONS to the trainings :)

    Home Party Game: Who’s the most girly girl?

    (I pass out the catalog with an order form face down on top of it, and a pen – this gets the order form in their hands in an un-obtrusive way)

    Say “We are going to play a game to find out who is the most girly girl! Give yourself a point for everyone of these you agree with…”

    Wednesday, March 18, 2015

    How to switch your Jamberry upline

    Having been a leader with Jamberry for nearly 3 years, and having such a strong online presence, I am regularly approached by new consultants who want to know if they can switch to my GLOW Girls team.  The reasons are individual, but the reasoning behind the request is the same: They feel they could be more successful with a successful leader.

    This morning I was packing my son's lunch for school.  This is usually something that my husband does, but since an older son needed an emergency dentist visit, it was up to mom!  I gathered the foods I knew he liked, and tried to make it as balanced as possible (no one wants a call from the school nutrition office!)  I got 2 sticks of cheddar cheese (protein) a snack sized baggie of shredded carrots (veggies) a juice pouch (sugar water disguised as fruit juice) and a bag of chips (starch, and probably the first thing he'll eat, and quite possibly the only thing!).  I'm a softy for desserts, and I decided to include something sweet.  It couldn't be the nutty buddy bars that he loves, because they have peanuts.  The swiss rolls are just too much chocolate and sugar, so I went to the bottom bucket in the pantry.  I dug through the snack bucket, past the granola bars and found all natural fruit chews.  Perfect!

    As I rose from the ground, fruit chews in hand, I saw something unusual:

    Tuesday, March 17, 2015

    It's ALL a "People Business"

    No matter what business you are in, you're in the People Business.

    This is especially true of Direct Sales!  You may have noticed that those who are "super successful" have some common characteristics...

    You may even hate them for it.  Perhaps you feel like you could never be like "that".  You are too real, too hardcore, too down-to-earth.  You have real world problems, real life issues and lots of reasons to mistrust people.  You may even think that "those people" are crazy, live in a dream world, are smoking crack, ride magical unicorns and probably fart rainbows.

    I get it.  No one is asking you to be fake.  Even though some of the people that you see in the newsletters or on the videos may seem fake to you, I am going to challenge you to suspend that judgement of them.

    Why Do We Build Relationships?

    Besides all the personal benefits of building relationships with our customers and team members, there are cold, hard facts to prove that it's good business!

    Exceeding expectations—"WOWing" the customer—is the name of the game.

    Research shows that 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated.

    Customers feel instant gratification when they are rewarded after doing business with you.

    Monday, March 16, 2015

    Maximize your Facebook Time for Business!

    We've all done it... logged into Facebook for a quick peek.  Got distracted.  Wasted the whole day.

    If you're using social media for your direct sales business, you have to walk that fine line between being social and doing business.  Fortunately, we are in the relationship business, and sites like Facebook allow us to nurture relationships.  Unfortunately, people like to take a shortcut and just try to use it to sell to people!

    Here is a tool that I use to help manage my Facebook time more wisely.  Lists.  There are 2 kinds of lists on Facebook: Interest Lists and Friend Lists.  Today, I'll share about the former.

    Here is a graphic for those of us who are visual learners (and a shameless way to get people here from Pinterest!)

    Monday, March 9, 2015

    Host Coaching 101 - 43 minutes well spent

    Investing 43 minutes of time into coaching your hostess can improve your sales exponentially.  You can't afford NOT to do it!

    Hosts book parties to have FUN with their FRIENDS and to shop for FREE and discounted Jamberry.  It's important that you keep it EASY and FUN - not to mention duplicatible!
    (updated 1-30-2018)

    It's much easier to work while you're at work... booking stories

    It is much easier to book a party while you are "doing" a party.  You are already in front of 10, 15 or more people who are enjoying themselves, shopping and liking your product.  They are "in the moment"!
    My hosts shop at 78-100% off!  Hosts never pay full price.  With a $400 party, my hostesses get a free sheet of Jamberry, $80 in product credits, 5 half-price items, a 30% discount on anything else they choose, 3 months of the Host Exclusive item for FREE and 3 months of free shipping!  They also get a half-price item for each party booked off of their party, so when the next month's Sister's Style comes out and they HAVE to have it, they get it for half price and free shipping!  You can't beat that!

    If you have sprinkled your story effectively, they are just waiting for you to tell them more about hosting or joining!