
Monday, November 17, 2014

Getting Bookings for Jamberry Parties - advice from the leaders!

Mandy M.  I love to do Private demos. I get them to my house one on one and when they see the magic happen on their pretty little fingers and want to order I say..... GIRL!!! Don't buy! Host a party and get them for free!!!! Works every time!!!

Patricia C. The best way *I* get parties booked? I tell myself to go for No - my goal is to ASK, no matter the outcome. My sponsor challenged me to get 30 No's in 3 days. I have asked 18 with 4 No, 1 Not Now, 3 Yes, and the rest have yet to respond. I have to ask more people today to finish at least my 30, and follow up next week with those who have not responded. 

Patricia C.  "I'll bring the salsa and chips, and teach your friends how to never have chips on their tips again!" 

Patricia C. I love Shari Hudspeth's plan for success: book 10 to hold 8 to recruit 2 - every month.
This season, I am holding way more because I need to make up my last 5900 trip points. I also had a very slow Jan and July. 
My team grows consistently.

I also want my team to see that it is possible to do both - personal business and lead a team. It is working, because I have maintained TM rank for 6 months in a row, although I got started with more hobbyists than I realized. Things are changing and improving now. 
Oh! I also have four young children, a ft job, and my husband works ft and was a ft grad student until Aug. 8-12 parties/events each month is all I want to manage with the rest of my life.  I love that I can do that with this business!

Jessica R.We did a booking blitz one weekend last month. I didn't have very high expectations for myself simply because I hadn't had a party in about a month with ZERO on the future books. I expected a select few from my team to participate. But that's about it. However, setting the example I needed to set, I sent out about 20 messages the first night and was posting each No as I got them. Soon, they turned into yes's. My team booked 28 parties/events in 60 hours. I got 6 for myself! It was the boost a lot of us needed, and we had just done Lessons 5 and 6 in JamU, with 7 ahead. So now we have these parties and events and we can have the PRV and Team Building as our focus! It's just moving right along!

Geneia E. Pretend you just signed up and your box is on the way.
Remember how that felt? How stoked you were? How you hit the ground running?

Do that, again.  
  Make the next 10 weeks your best EVER.

Amy M.  When I have a home party host that has not worn the product, I schedule a 1-on-1 session with her so she can get those wraps on her nails. FB host I include the 1/2 sheet in her packet.

Dawn P My priority is always my personal business. Team is important, but it comes second. If I'm not hosting parties, I'm not building my team, if I'm not building my team I'm not replacing consultants who have decided the business isn't for them. If i'm not doing that, I'm not growing. My goal is 15-20 parties a month. I've been doing less the last few months due to personal stuff, but that's always my goal.

My goal is also to build a completely independent team. They are running their own businesses, I'm not responsible for their successes, and I like not being able to take any credit for their amazing accomplishments. I give them tools, but I don't hand-hold. I must be doing something right because I have an outstanding team of leaders and leaders-to-be.

Vendor Events:
Kyrsten HI do a give away, and I talk to everyone! I start with a compliment and ask an engaging question. (Not yes or no) then I get them to apply a sample! Then in conversation I ask them if they are on fb and then u ask if they'd like to earn some for free, and have them pick a date out of my calendar for a party. Obviously it took practice but now I've got it down! I was at a vendor event for 4 hours yesterday and booked 6 parties. And I can book parties off of those!! Today, messages them to confirm the dates and all of them confirmed!

Patricia C.  I have had successful events without doing samples, too. I do not think that is absolutely necessary. Diane Kidwell talks about her approach in a video, which resonated with me. 
If I cannot use the mini heater, then I skip samples. I do not promote anything not Jamberry. 

Mary Beth B. Yes-plan your own event, Especially this time of year. That's what I'm doing-getting together a bunch of ds friends and a photographer (who's doing mini sessions). We're actually using her studio-big open space centrally located. Using social media to advertise. Giving away swag bags for first 25

Ruth BI am having a holiday open house. There is an origami owl and thirty one consultant in my neighborhood and we made up flyers and handed them out to our community. Praying for a good turnout! Try something like that! We are having snacks and door prizes.

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