
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Business Tips and Holiday Specials from Step into Succes

Hey everyone!

The Holiday season is upon us and November is the biggest selling season of the year!

It is also the time of year that you will be seeing the largest amount of people - through home shows, Facebook, vendor events and holiday parties.

We have a tendency to get so focused on sales during this time of the year because it’s easy. Everyone is excited to have a party with us.  Any other time of the year when you have that type of excitement, people will book their parties into the next month. But at this time of the year, people have their own holiday parties going on and might say to you that they want to hold off until the beginning of the New Year. And you don't want to lose that momentum!

During our November parties, soon-to-be hosts’ have an inclination to book into the New Year and our inclination as Consultants is to say sure! But by the time we get on the phone in January to book them, hosts want to move their parties to February. That leaves January as a big hole.

During your November parties you need to make sure your hosts know that you are booking your January calendar right now. Book their date by the end of the party. The goal is to have ALL January bookings by December 15th.

Don’t forget these bookings tips at the rest of your November parties!

Happy Partying,

Belinda xo

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