
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Getting Bookings From Shows

It's much easier to obtain bookings at the show than it is to try to obtain them later. Give yourself a goal of obtaining at least three or more bookings from every show. One to replace; one to grow; and one for insurance against cancellations. How do you do this? Ask everyone! Offer the opportunity to get free products to every single person at your show. When you shoot for the moon, you'll land among the stars!

Secure the date the night of the show

As Belinda says, "Do your job while you're at work!" This will save you so much time and energy later on. In our business, the rule of thumb is: A booking is not a booking until it's dated.

When you secure the date the night of the show, you save so much time by not having to back-track, play "phone tag" or hound your hostess for a date. When a date is set, it solidifies the show in your hostess's mind and shows you that she is serious about having the show.

Your new hostess may be indecisive, saying that she "wants to check with her friends to see what night is best for them," or "check her calendar."

The best thing to do is agree, then quickly overcome the objection. "Great, Mary. I want you to do that, but why don't we just select a tentative date tonight, and if we have to change it tomorrow, just give me a call, okay? I'll just pencil it in on my calendar, and that way we can register your booking for Suzie." (Please see Overcoming Objections Part I and Part II)

By penciling in the date, it firms up the commitment. It's on paper. Write it on her hostess packet and write it in your calendar. (Please see Hostess Coaching 101 and Hostess Coaching Part II.)

If the date is not set that night, when you reach her the next day, it's much too easy for her to say, "You know, I checked with all my friends, and they're all partied out right now," or "I'd rather have it in the summer," etc.

(Re: "registering the show." Even if your company does not officially require that you register the dated bookings at the time a show is submitted, you can set this high standard for your own business, by holding yourself accountable to obtain solid dates for each booking before you submit a show to the company.)

If you're having difficulty securing dates the night of the show, use bonus dates, date cards, booking games or other methods of booking.

Always be ready to book! Take six (6) completed hostess packets to every show.

(Excerpt from Belinda Ellsworth's Member's Only Website, The Success Express:  by Step Into Success

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