
Friday, November 8, 2013

Generating Cash for Christmas

Step 1:  You have ten opportunity-packed weeks to sell and sponsor your way to a dream Christmas vacation. And I am here for you with tips every week to help you maximum your sales, bookings and sponsoring opportunities at this special time of the year. Share this link with your direct selling colleagues and team members so they can receive their tips direct:
It’s time to stop wishing your dreams will come true and start making them come true!

Crash course in generating Cash for Christmas step 2: Think of the next ten weeks as bonus time! 60 - 70% of every retailer’s annual sales take place in the next three months so you’re not creating a need you’re meeting a need. All you have to do is make sure you are getting your share of the action. So let’s start with this question: "What difference would an extra $1000 - or $2000 make to your holidays?" 

• Would you buy your kids what they want (not what you can afford)?
• Would you take a vacation somewhere?
• Would you fly your mom and dad in to spend the holidays?
• Would you have your first debt free Christmas?
Decide what your goal is then take it off your wish list…. and add it to your to do list.
PS “Be A Party Plan Superstar” will show you how to generate maximum sales, booking and recruiting from your holiday parties.

Cash for Christmas step 3: It's not enough to want it you have to work it. If you need $2,000 to fund your goal and you earn $100 per party - you must do 20 parties. With ten weeks till last orders that means 2 parties a week, plus a couple of extra to allow for postponements and cancellations! Buy or download a calendar that shows one month per page and mark up October, November and December with your best available dates. Add festive holiday stickers to each page to get you and your prospective hosts in the Christmas spirit and start calling! Your phone is your #1 business tool but you have to use it!
:) You’ll find so much more in my books: Be A Direct Selling Superstar (a blueprint to leadership), Be A Recruiting Superstar (how to build your team) Be A Party Plan Superstar (bursting on tips on how to generate more sales, bookings and recruit leads from every party) and Be A Network Marketing Superstar (best guide ever to getting started!)
:) FREE GIFT! Order any two or more books from this week & I will send you PARTY! – a 60-min live recording that is guaranteed to make your parties sparkle! No need to specify as it will happen automatically!

Cash for Christmas tip 4: Industry averages show that one in every five hosts will sign on as a consultant so ten parties = 10 hosts = 2 new team members! If you want to double your income and recruiting opportunities - double the number of parties you do! And make sure you offer every host a chance to jump on board during the busy season and earn her own cash for Christmas. You will never know who is interested until and unless you ask!

Cash for Christmas tip 5: Be your own best host! Every successful direct seller knows the #1 rule: “Be your own best customer”. But don’t forget rule #2: Be your own best host? This is an ideal time to plan two or three of your own parties where you can double dip your benefits by earning the Consultant and Host rewards!
  1. Start with an invitation only VIP party to thank your best hosts and customers for their loyalty (and to keep them booking and buying!) 
  2. Host a Holiday Preview party for friends and family to showcase the new products and pick up the holiday catalog. Everyone loves new and everyone appreciates gift ideas.
  3. Plan an Open House party the week before Christmas for your last minute shoppers. Offer giftwrapping and hot chocolate (or a cool summer beverage downunder) to entice them in! This is also the perfect time to clear out deleted products, demonstration samples, and excess inventory with a ‘cash & carry’ sale.
 Make sure you call and invite all guests personally to your events. Everyone wants to feel special and open invitations are more likely than not to be ignored. Source of tips: “Be A Party Plan Superstar.”

Cash for Christmas tip 6: Find out what your customers want before you start talking about what you have to offer them. You will learn nothing about their gift patterns if you’re doing all the talking. Before you start your presentation ask:

Who are you buying gifts for? 
Do you buy a gift for (your son’s teacher, next door neighbor)?
 These are my favorite questions because they get guests interacting with you:
“Who has received gifts they didn’t like?”
“Who has given those gifts and regretted it? If you care for, or appreciate someone enough to give a gift, they’re worth a gift they will love. It’s all about thinking ahead to their reaction when they open it.” Source: Be A Party Plan Superstar (sorry but I can’t resist… the perfect gift for team members you care about!)

Cash for CHRISTMAS TIP #7: Make sure you target all the different types of Christmas shopper!
  • The Early Bird Shopper – this super-organized shopper is buying already. If you don’t contact her now, she will buy from someone else! Call her, offer her a party, or invite her to your Open House - before someone else does! But first, send her a blank ‘gift list’ with some gift suggestions so your name is upfront in her mind.
  • The Steady Shopper – she will spread her shopping throughout October, November and into December. Keep in touch with her continuously with breaking news of special customer and host offers from now right up to Christmas. This shopper loves a bargain too so offer a party so she can shop for free!
  • The Last Minute shopper – she’ll be rushing to come up with gift ideas in December! Have some cash and carry items available – and offer to gift wrap!
  • Remember that don’t service with each group – you’re leaving money on the table for someone else to pick up!!!! Adapted from: Be A Party Plan Superstar

COUNTING DOWN TO CHRISTMAS TOP TIP #8! Your customers will all have different interests. You will increase your sales if you maximize the buying potential of each of them.

You will come across those who will buy, those who won’t, and those who may buy if they relate to how you present your products. Make sure you sharing ideas rather than lots of information…. that’s why we call it selling and not telling.

You’ll also have loyal customers who will buy more than they intended to if you inspire them! Same thing – black and white tells color sells. Make sure you’re sharing reasons to buy and for more people!

Ask questions such as: “Have you thought about a gift for your neighbor, son’s teacher?”

Add emotion into your questions. When you show the catalog say: “Look for something that make your friend, sister’s, neighbors eyes light up when they unwrap their gift from you.”

You’ll almost certainly come across people who are using another brand, and your challenge will be to inspire to switch to yours. Be sensitive but not timid. Know what makes your product better and highlight those points. Anyone can sell to someone who is already interested, but a persuasive salespeople with empathy and enthusiasm and can turn ‘maybes’ into ‘yeses’, small orders into big ones, guests into hosts, and hosts into Consultants!

COUNTING DOWN TO CHRISTMAS TOP TIP #9 Create a holiday mood!
Emotion has more persuasive power than information. Play Christmas music at your parties and jazz up your party calendar with holiday stickers! Display some products at your parties that are giftwrapped, or overflow a Christmas stocking. Pop your host materials into holiday themed party bags, topped with Christmassy tissue. Place your holiday party bags amongst your display to attract attention and remind you to talk about how much fun it is to host a holiday party!

When you talk about booking, hold up your party bags and say, "Who loves to party? Everything you need to host your own Christmas party is in this bag, including how you can do your own Christmas shopping free! If you're thinking about hosting your own party, make sure you take one of these party bags home with you.”

Hold up your calendar, and say, "My party calendar has all my Christmas party dates highlighted. And… if you book a party before I ask you to, you'll get one of these as well as your shopping spree!" Hold up a gift that you bought when it was on special (or you purchased from a discount store) and wait for someone to say, “I’ll do it!” From: “Be A Party Plan Superstar”.

Cash for Christmas tip #10 Give hosts a great reason to book! And the top reason to promote right now: Higher rewards! We all spend more in the weeks leading up to the holidays! We’re buying for ourselves, and we're buying gifts for friends and family. That means higher party sales, and for hosts that means higher rewards! Promote these messages: ☺ If there’s a perfect time to host a party, it’s now (show them the rewards that come at a higher-than-average level e.g. at $600 your rewards leap to 15% free and 3 half-price products!)
Remember that a party is the perfect excuse to gather their friends together for a night of fun! Keep your message simple by offering: Fun! Friends! Free products! PS. If you missed any of these tips they are posted on my business page:

CASH FOR CHRISTMAS TOP TIP #11 Get your next bookings by 'inserting' commercials into the natural flow of your presentation - from start to finish - in a relaxed, friendly and enthusiastic way.

"Who can think of friends you keep meaning to call but you never seem to get around to it. Hosting a party is a great way to catch up with friends and earn free gifts at the same time."

"Who thinks it's fun to shopping in Paige’s living room? Why schlep around a crowded mall when we can bring the store to you. If you're interested, make sure you take one of these party bags away with you tonight."

"Who's seeing lost of products you want, but you're thinking your budget may not stretch to them all? Why not book a party and get them free?"

Switching from one topic to the next is natural in any conversation (especially when women are involved… we can cover ten topics in ten seconds!) So you are simply doing what comes naturally! PS. If you need help, put a pink dot sticker on certain products to remind you to talk about booking and a yellow dot on others to remind you to talk about joining! Good luck! Adapted from: “Be a Party Plan Superstar”.

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