
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Grow your Business … Book, Sell, Recruit & more!

T0-18 – Grow your Business … Book, Sell, Recruit & more!

Explore the similarities between growing a garden and growing your business. Are you planting the seeds to grow your business in the way you desire?
Plant the seeds to grow what you want in your garden!
Have you ever considered the similarities between growing a garden and growing your business?
Let’s say there are two people who want to grow a garden:
•    The first only has a bucket to carry water and a shovel.
•    The second has the bucket and shovel along with a hoe, roto-tiller, hose, sprayer, fertilizer applicator and a myriad of other tools.
Who is going to have the easier time growing their garden?

Is it impossible to grow the garden with only a few tools? No, of course not! But which has the greater chance of success?
Let’s say you want to plant a garden.  You know you have to prepare the soil by tilling it up, applying fertilizer, etc. All this is done BEFORE you plant seeds right?
Many of you have taken this step already by learning your business, the products, the benefits and HOW to get bookings and sell. You are now ready to get something growing.
How does the gardener get things growing in their plot of land? Do they say, “Well, the ground is all ready! GROW! “ to the ground? If they did, and watered the ground what would come up? Weeds would probably be your first guess followed by volunteers and those volunteers would usually be OK but do you know what you’re getting.
Realistically, what would you do if you wanted to grow things in your garden? You would PLANT SEEDS!
You would find the type of things you want to grow and plant seeds.
The same is true for your business! The time is NOW to PLANT SEEDS! You have to let people know that YOU HAVE what they are looking for. As you begin to let people know the advantages and benefits of your business they will want to know more.  Then you can share your opportunity with them. You need to create interest is what you do and they will then want to know more.  If they decide to join you team you can then nourish, water and help them to grow!
Have you ever heard of THE SECRET?  It is a motivational book and movie based on the Law of Attraction which is said to work by attracting into a person’s life the experiences, situations, events, and people that “match the frequency” of the person’s thoughts and feelings. Therefore, positive thinking and feeling positive are claimed to create life-changing results such as increased wealth, health, and happiness.
I like to put it in a very simple form — you must put out there what you want to get back.  It is the essence of planting a seed.  If you want tomatoes, you must plant TOMATO seeds!  If you want tomatoes and plant cucumber seeds there is a pretty good chance you are going to get cucumbers, not tomatoes.  If you don’t plant any seeds at all, what are the chances you are going to get tomatoes?
So, let me say it again, “You must put out there what you want to get back!”
If you want BOOKINGS, you must let create interest in bookings by sharing the benefits of hosting a party!
If you want SUCCESSFUL PARTIES you must show your hosts you are committed to helping THEM have successful parties- inspire THEM to want success and understand they CAN make it happen!
If you want SALES, you must generate interest, share benefits and create desire to actually HAVE your products!
If you want COMMITTED CUSTOMERS you must let your customers you care about them and let them know that by coming back to you that you will help them and meet their needs!
If you want RECRUITS, you must create interest in the opportunities your business offers, help them SEE themselves doing what you do and be there when they are ready!
If you want a THRIVING TEAM you must help them find their WHY and help THEM plant their seeds and teach them how to nourish them.  By recognizing and rewarding their successes you’ll be nourishing them.  (See the LMP-07 — Apples in Seeds Theme Meeting:
So, now that you know that you NEED to plant seeds, HOW do you do it?
Well, of course you mention it during your demonstration. But do you realize researchers have found that it can take as many as 7 times being told something before it begins to sink in? If you were to say the same thing over and over again 7 times at your party people, YES, they would recognize it but how fun would your party be?
But, what if you put stickers that point out the advantages and benefits of your opportunity in your catalogs, on your invitations, wrapped around your pens, on your party folders or lap-boards, etc? Your customers would read those over and over again and the concepts would be planted in their minds. You would be planting seeds without even saying a word!
Now, of course you do want to SAY something too!  You would perhaps ask questions that get them asking YOU questions but I’m sure you can see the advantage of them seeing various stickers throughout your information to create awareness and curiosity.
Using ONE-LINERS PLUS the stickers is a way to plant LOTS of seeds during your demonstration and other times as well.  (For more details on this concept see T0-17 – Stickers in your catalogs relate to One Liners!)
So, start NOW to use Stickers & wear Buttons to plant seeds! 
Go to this IDEA CATEGORY (link is below) to see lots of products that relate to this concept.
We want to help you DIG UP CASH by building your team so here are some Recruiting and Sponsoring ideas of HOW to use stickers in your business:
1. Use RECRUITING Stickers on your invitations. Invited guests might not make it to the party, but their interest will be sparked by reading slogans such as (S60264)  “Full time pay, part time hours!” or (S60260) “Could you use an extra $100 per week?”
2. Put RECRUITING Stickers in your catalog, especially on the page where your company describes the benefits of your opportunity. Stickers like (S64107)  “I Love What I do! You can too!” or others shown in this idea CATEGORY product listing (T0-18),  create the BRAIN CONNECTION as if YOU were telling them this information instead of the corporation.
3. Name?: Whenever you put your name on a catalog, you should also include a RECRUITING Sticker. This shows YOUR enthusiasm for what you do. Stickers shown in this idea CATEGORY product listing (T0-18-link is below),   make a positive impact! In the party plan business, what is one of the best ways to get more money? GET RECRUITS! See the T0-16 — Personalization, make it EASY! idea on how to personalize the slogans with YOUR information.  Saves time because you are sticking TWO stickers at ONCE!  And, they look so professional!
HUNDREDS-no THOUSANDS of customers have told us that these STICKERS really DO WORK! We can hardly wait to hear of your success! Order today and start implementing these ideas!!
Also included in this IDEA CATEGORY T0-18 – Grow your Business … Book, Sell, Recruit & more! are Recruiting  BUTTONS, Bookmarks, & Postcards  (Just scroll down below the idea to see the complete list!)
Now, WHY should you use follow up postcards to send to recruit leads?  Did YOU join your company with the first person that asked you?  When I’ve traveled around the country I’ve asked top leaders this question.  Many of them say NO.  I ask why not?  They reply, “It took me a while to make the decision and by the time I was ready, they had not kept in contact with me.”
How many potential recruits have you lost because you haven’t kept in touch with them?  Now, I’m not suggestion you be PUSHY, but I am suggesting you be PERSISTENT!  Just keep in touch, even if they don’t join your team, you’ll at least have a customer.
Think about the ABCD formula.  A stands for A Success Formula.  If the B for Benefit is Greater than the C for Cost = D Do It!
So let’s do the math for sending postcards.  The postage is 33 cents, one of our recruiting postcards is  15 cents (or less if on sale)  for a total of 48 cents.  Let’s say you send 10 postcards to that ONE person over 6 months.  That’s $4.80.  How much do you make if that ONE person joins your team?  As someone said the other day at a presentation I did, “A LOT more than $4.80!
So, is the Benefit of “A LOT more than $4.80″ greater than the cost of $4.80 = DO IT!  You never know what will happen when you DO keep in touch, but I doubt they’ll come to you six months down the road if you don’t!  How many chances are you losing because you don’t follow up?
But, before we go…. How are you keeping track of your recruit leads?  We have this wonderful Erase Board (EB6129) where you can track their name, phone number and the contacts you’ve made with them.  I LOVE the quote along the bottom, it reads,  “How do you help others become butterflies?” “Show them that to FLY is so wonderful that they are willing to give up being caterpillars.”
Remember, we can ALL create opportunities every day that can impact our lives.  “It’s what you do with what you have … that makes you who you are.”
Go to this IDEA CATEGORY to get the PDF of this training for FREE
So, go now to
this IDEA CATEGORY and  scroll down to see a great selection of products that relate to this training!  I Challenge you to “Grow for It!”  Order NOW and start planting the seeds and then following up.
When you accept a challenge, you accept that you have to take ACTION!   The KNOWING is important, but the DOING what you KNOW is even more important!
(with an order)  Share it with your team!  Here is the link to this Idea Category: T0-18 – Grow your Business … Book, Sell, Recruit & more!

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