
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Planning for Success

Shari Thumbnail 
"Ordinary people achieving extraordinary things is the result of goal setting." - Anonymous  

 Planning for Success

The fall and holiday season is upon us! You will get the most from the best season of

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

FRANKS and GEORGE: 2 Guys that will help you get leads for parties/recruits

Mind drawing a blank on where to get leads for parties/recruits? Let's all give this a try and FIRE UP YOUR FALL!

Meet FRANKS and GEORGE of the direct sales business lead generator!

Start with a list of 60 people you already know.

When are you at your best?

Subject: When are you at your best?

One of the beauties of a home based business is the flexibility that it gives us. There is also a dangerous component of that flexibility and that is that we have the potential of “flexing ourselves right OUT of the business.”

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Name That Song & Wrap Game

From Misty Townsend-Litton
Here's a game I came up with for my online party!

Name That Song & Wrap Game:

Instructions: name the song and which nail wrap it goes with. Get all 5 right and win a prize! Ready, Set, Name!

1. Well now don't you tell me to smile, stick around I'll make it worth your while.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Stay in touch with your customers

I have created a variety of systems in my email provider's auto-responders to keep in touch with customers.  It took quite a bit of time and thought, and I'm proud of my work!

I recently was able to review The Client Angel and I think that it is a perfect solution for direct sales professionals.  You can use as much or as little of the functionality as you like.  At the least, it's an email database.  At it's greatest potential, you have full-fledged CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

10 Networking Steps That Build Solid Business Connections

Networking excites some and frightens others; it's not for everyone. Still, if you are avoiding networking because of discomfort, power through that uneasiness and make networking work for, not against you.
Here's how.
1) There are plenty of fish in the sea, it's true. But how will you stand out? For one, determine what you want out of the networking experience. Is it to let people know about you? Is it to learn about other people and what they do?
2) Have a goal in mind, including the number of cards you are going to give out and the number of meetings you plan to arrange, though you want to be sure to bring extra cards as well.
3) Look at businesses through different eyes. Do you know who is planning to attend? If so, do your homework. Who at the networking even might make a great joint venture partner? Use the time valuably to find out more about their company, its size, type, and location in relation to your company. If you don't know who will be there, still have questions in mind that will give you the information you need about the company you want to meet, and act as a referral for the businesses that don't meet your needs, but might meet someone else's that you know.
4) Look for a common denominator. What about you and your business is similar to the business or person you are meeting? What about each is different? How can you complement each other?
5) What immediate offer are you bringing to the event? Who gets it? Everyone? A specific types of business? Know before you go and have a clear-cut plan.
6) Everyone loves a story, but make it short and memorable. Mixers now sometimes have 5-minute restrictions (speed mixing/networking) for talking with people. What's a one-minute story you can tell that will help that person remember you, your business, and want to connect with you again?
7) Remember, networking is not the end-all to sales and marketing connections. It's the beginning. Be the first impression you want them to remember.
8) Networking success is all about follow up. Not every connection is about making a sale. Sometimes it's simply about making a connection and putting a face to a name and a name to a business.
9) Have fun. You're getting out. You're meeting new people. It freaks some people out, but fear projects negative energy and will actually keep people from approaching you! So, breathe deep, go in with the attitude of connecting with like-minded people and, as Larry-the-Cable-Guy says, "Git 'er done".
10) Track and measure your efforts and results. How many people did you connect with? How many cards did you distribute? How many did you collect? How many follow up calls/meetings did you set up? What was your offer? How many responses did you get? Track and measure everything.
Networking can "work" for you in many ways. It doesn't have to be about sales. Maybe you need to hire a bookkeeper or IT specialist. Networking gives you an opportunity to meet someone face-to-face, or lets someone else attending refer someone. Networking is about connection.
Above all else, go into networking--whether they're events, mixers, or even social media-- with a clear strategy in mind. It's the only way to measure whether the process has worked and to glean insights on how to improve your efforts.
So, now that you know the key networking strategies, what day and time work best for us to talk further? I look forward to connecting with you.
Peter Williamson, Business Coach and Master Licensee, helps you find instant and lasting solutions to boost your profits by 61% or more - guaranteed. Email
For advice and access to proven systems that will advance your business, visit and

Article Source: 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Scavenger Hunt (all day version)

From Sandi Boehner Warner

Here are the questions I use for my scavenger hunt. (I instruct them to use my website and message me their answers and I post the questions throughout the day, not all at once)). I'll type them up and add them to the files tomorrow:

Name that Tune wrap game for online parties

From Tressa Dieball

I did a "name that tune" game last night that was a hit. I posted a wrap and told everyone to comment with what song came to mind when they saw the wrap. no right or wrong answers but I wouldn't allow the same song twice! I used Black Tie Affair and got great answers! It was fun!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September Training Calendar

Training Calendar

Trainings are held every Monday evening at 9:00 PM CT.  

On the 4th Monday of each month, we have a live team meeting in Plano, TX.
9/23/13 Team Meeting

Book a Full Fall with an Envelope Necklace

Book a Full Fall!


A Fun Way to get New Bookings

Idea shared by TheWahmConnection  (originally posted in the 10-8-12 Jamberry Nails Consultant Newsletter)

What you will need to get started: An envelope, stickers, markers or crayons, a hole puncher, and some string.

The first thing you'll want to do is to take your envelope and decorate it. Decorate it so that it really stands out. You can color it, draw, add stickers, or even stamp it. Use your imagination!
Once you are done decorating your envelope, you will want to punch one hole in each corner of the top of the envelope. Next, take a piece of string, long enough that you can tie it and it will hang from your neck.

Fire up your Fall sales now!

Fire up your Fall sales now! (from the 10-1-12 Jamberry Consultant Newsletter)

Be a step ahead of the Holidays. Take advantage of the Fall selling season. 

Remember, random acts gets you random results, so be intentional about booking a full Fall calendar. There is a saying in the Direct Sales industry, "persistence trumps talent".

Jump Start Your Fall

Jump Start Your Fall

Tips to have a solid Fall 2012 (from the Jamberry Nails Consultant Newsletter 9/17/2012)

Follow up with every customer and hostess. Get started by creating a contact list of your favorite people. Who would you most like to do a party for or work with in your business? Pick up the phone and call from your list! Tell them what a fabulous time it is to book a party or join your Jamberry Nails team. Invite them to be the first to show the new Fall designs or our new Mixing it Up nailwraps party. Let them know that you still have some great dates available and you'd love to do a party for them. They will earn free and discounted products of their choice!

MEGA Weekend!

What exactly is a MEGA Weekend?

In direct sales, sometimes you just need a jump-start, or a re-start!  A MEGA Weekend can give you just the boost you are looking for.  The goal for a MEGA Weekend is to schedule and hold as many parties as you can.  Below is a sample schedule.  

Ding Dong, Jamberry Calling!

She booked 11% of the people that she talked to. Cold calls - door knocking. That is unbelievable!

I wanted to share something very inspirational with you! We have a team member who has had a terrible injury that stopped her in her tracks for 2 months. She was unable to come to conference and had not been able to work personally due to extreme pain and pain med side effects. Through all of this, she kept up with her team, encouraged and motivated them and came back to a promotion last month.

August Earn it Before Your Hostesses Promotion

How would you like to earn the next 3-months of Host Exclusives? You want them in your hands (and on your fingers and toes) early - to wear to your parties, to entice future bookings.... well, you've been asking and we've been listening! Earn September, October & November Host Exclusives in August! Earn all 3 and they will be shipped out to you the first week of September! It's easy to do!