
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

20 Questions to ask yourself to explore why you may not be getting as many bookings as you’d like

20 Questions to ask yourself to explore why you may not be getting as many bookings as you’d like:
  • Do I keep my demo brief enough that I don’t overwhelm my guests?
  • If I were asked to do what I ask my Hosts to do, would I find the requests to be reasonable?
  • Do I mention our Host Rewards during my demo in a way that makes people want to book their own party?
  • Do I recognize my host for a job well done in front of her friends?
  • Do I have specific designs that remind me to talk about the booking opportunity? (Link your favorite designs or samples to remind you to sprinkle booking and recruiting seeds throughout your demo)
  • Do I remind guests that each demo is different, so they’ll be excited to see something new?
  • Do my demos include time-saving tips and ideas, so that I’m adding service to what I sell?
  • Do I manage my demos in a way that allows the audience to feel like participants instead of spectators?
  • Do I resist the temptation to be “one of the guests” (sampling food, chatting about kids, etc.) and maintain myself as a Professional Consultant?
  • When I see that a guest has circled or shown interest in many designs, but only ordered a few, do I talk with her about hosting a party?
  • Do I tell guests that “hosts don’t pay full price for anything”?
  • When I have a Past Host in my audience, do I give her a chance to point out what products she earned, and remind her that she has a 50% discount (if the party she is attending booked from hers and reaches $150 n sales), as a testimonial of our Host Plan?
  • Do I sell the booking opportunity as enthusiastically as I sell the wraps?
  • Do I tell guests how to let me know they’d like to host a party?
  • Am I ready for immediate bookings, with invitations or prepared host packets?
  • Have I practiced what to say to increase interest in booking a party?
  • Am I someone who a host is proud to have in her home and introduce to her guests (remembering personal appearance, treating people with respect, cleaning up after myself, being organized)?
  • Do I tell my Hosts that our product line changes twice a year and invite her to re-book?
  • When I present the benefits of hosting a party, do I include the FUN and EASE, in addition to the company’s Host Plan?
  • Do I offer a full service check out? 

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