
Monday, August 5, 2013

Momentum the Secret Sauce to Success!

from the 8/5/2013 consultant newsletter:

One simple secret that will build your business faster than any other is MOMENTUM! Have you ever noticed that when things are going well in your business, there seems to be no stopping you? When you have a full calendar, everyone wants to book a show and you are overbooked. The more bookings you get, the more enthusiastic you become. The more enthusiastic and passionate you become, the more contagious you are – and what happens? Bookings increase. Party sales skyrocket. More people want to book demos and join your team.

When lots of new people start joining your team, your entire organization is ignited with the spark of excitement. Excitement breeds excitement. As the momentum builds, growth begins to happen. You move into leadership. Promotions begin to take place. The ball is rolling! Everyone in the organization feels like a winner – and there’s nothing more exciting than watching a winning team! The sky’s the limit! It’s a known fact that people perform at their best when they’re contributing their talents to something they believe in. And once your downline feel like they’re part of a winning team, they begin to transfer that winning feeling to every aspect of their own lives and businesses.

There is no substitute for this type of excitement and enthusiasm. At this point you have found the secret sauce to success in your Jamberry Nails business – MOMENTUM! It’s that easy. All you have to do is adopt and repeat this pattern – and you will have the fastest growing and most productive team in your company. It all starts with activity, then excitement, which creates MOMENTUM!

Keep your momentum going in August. Earn those Host Exclusives before your host can earn them. Think of all the fun ways to market your Jamberry business and keep it going through August. There are so many great ideas to work from. Did you know that August is Happiness Happens month? Market the LOL! design or play a game at your parties to name the design that brings a smile to your face. When doing introductions at your party, have them state their name and which design makes them smile. August is also Family Fun Month and National Picnic Month. Want more?

August 4-10 - National   Farmer's Market Week  : Set up a booth at a Farmer's Market or go to a local farmer's market wearing your Jamberry logo wear. Mix & match your designs for a sure to get noticed look. Creating interest - creates new business!

August 6th - Wiggle Your Toes Day: You could have tons of fun with this one! Create an online party and have everyone post their piggies with our cute designs. Make sure to tag all those who share so their friends and family see what they are waring. Link to your business page. Maybe even offer a drawing for new sheet of samples when they come out on the 15th.

August 10th - National Smore's Day: Promote a smore's theme party and share the limited edition Sister's Style for August.

August 15th - Best Friends Day: Ask a best friend to host a party and everyone invite their friends! The third week of August is National Friendship week, so keep this theme going the entire week!

August 18th - Mail Order Catalog Day: Ask friends to take catalogs to their work, neighbors or social groups for you and collect orders. Make sure they know that they will receive host rewards for any orders collected of $100 or more.

August 19th - National Cupcake Day for the RSPCA: Think of marketing our discontinued cupcake and animal print designs.

Remember, August is the last time chance for over 180 designs. Make sure your customers know. Don't decide for them by not promoting the Going Going Gone flyer and discontinued designs. August is also back to school month. Put a fresh spin on last years school clothes with our fun and colorful designs! It is an accessory that school girls are sure to be excited about!

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