
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Your "Elevator Speech" (a.k.a "30 Second Commercial)

Your "Elevator Speech" (a.k.a "30 Second Commercial)
from Belinda Elsworth
As you talk to people, you will often be asked, “What do you do?” Your response to that question should spark someone’s interest and create the desire to know more. This answer is your “30-Second Commercial,” which should be a simple conversation starter.
When asked, most people tend to state who they are, not what they do. “I’m a real estate agent,” rather than, “I help people find the home of their dreams.”
Your “30-Second Commercial” should do two things: 1) Create a “WOW" factor. “Wow, that sounds like fun!” or “Wow, that’s interesting!” and 2) Fill a NEED for the listener that elicits a response like, “I’ve been looking for that!” or “I need that!”
When asking a realtor what he does, rather than answer, "I'm in real estate," he or she should say, "I help people find the home of their dreams." A financial planner should say, "I help people build their savings accounts and save on their taxes."
For those affiliated with cosmetics company, rather than saying, "I sell excellent skin care products and cosmetics,” or “I’m an image consultant,” respond with, “I help women have healthier, beautiful skin.” “I show people how to take years off their faces.” “I teach women how to have younger-looking skin.”
Always paint the picture around the product because it’s generally the product that grabs people’s attention first. Avoid using titles or technical terms that people do not understand (i.e., "I'm a Unit Manager or I'm a Director-in-Training.")
The purpose of a 30-second commercial is to gather interest, to simply get your foot in the door. Once you have someone’s attention, you can elaborate on the other benefits.
Your 30-second commercial should be designed to help you start many conversations, which will in turn open many doors to booking and recruiting opportunities. So, create your 30-second commercial and practice it so it becomes natural to respond when someone asks, “What do you do?”

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